Tinkering with Spring Boot + React


Spring Boot + React

Spring logo
React logo

I have started a passion project looking to create a simple application with a React frontend and Spring Boot backend. The goal is to have a working basic time-tracking application when I am finished and to have a project I can use for talking points when it’s inevitably interview time again.

The code can be found here.

I would like to add on additional infrastructure pieces as well, like Docker and Kubernetes integration to demonstrate my abilities in that area, but my focus is local-first with an eye towards the future.

This is a WIP as of June 26th, 2024 and I will continue to update this post as I make progress.

Random Thought of the Post

We have a fairly old, but still perfectly good, multi-functional laser printer. Last week, it was time to order toner for the first time in 6 years(!) - we don’t do a whole lot of printing. What I wonder is this: how come the black and yellow toners get the usual kindergarten color names (black and yellow), but the the other two get fancier shades of color names? You’re not fooling anyone cyan and magenta, we know you’re just blue and red.