Tinkering with Spring Boot + React

Spring Boot + React I have started a passion project looking to create a simple application with a React frontend and Spring Boot backend. The goal is to have a working basic time-tracking application when I am finished and to have a project I can use for talking points when it’s inevitably interview time again. The code can be found here. I would like to add on additional infrastructure pieces as well, like Docker and Kubernetes integration to demonstrate my abilities in that area, but my focus is local-first with an eye towards the future. Continue reading

Job Search 2024

The Neverending Story - Job Search 2023 2024 Thank you for taking the time to apply but we’ve decided to move forward with a candidate that better fits our needs for driving giant wiener-shaped vehicles Ok, so it’s not never-ending, there is always an end in sight. But being on the job market for the second time in less than a year has a Merry-Go-Round feel to it for sure. I will add software engineering posts and such to this blog, but I’m starting with what is happening in my life right now. Continue reading